Uninstalling the Middleware Manager

Uninstalling the Middleware Manager consists of several steps:

  1. Remove the Middleware provider from CloudForms

  2. Remove all agents from monitored EAPs

  3. Delete the Middleware provider container

  4. Delete the Cassandra container(s)

  5. Delete the metrics data

  6. Delete the inventory data

Remove the Middleware provider from CloudForms

Navigate to the Middleware Provider then select Configuration>Remove Middleware Provider

Remove all agents from monitored EAPs

For each EAP server (assuming installed in /opt/jboss-eap-7.0):

  1. Run the server in --admin-only mode:

    /opt/jboss-eap-7.0/bin/standalone.sh --admin-only
  2. Remove the agent subsystem, the agent extension, and the socket binding that points to the Hawkular Server:

    /opt/jboss-eap-7.0/jboss-cli.sh --connect --commands=/subsystem=hawkular-wildfly-agent/:remove,/extension=org.hawkular.agent/:remove,/socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding=hawkular/:remove
  3. Remove the agent binaries:

    rm -rf /opt/jboss-eap-7.0/modules/system/add-ons/hawkular-agent

Delete the Middleware provider container

Make sure how the middleware provider container is named with docker ps command then execute:

docker rm -f mwmanager

Delete the Cassandra containers

Make sure how the cassandra container is named with docker ps command then execute:

docker rm -f mwmanager-cassandra

You will need to execute the command for all the Cassandra nodes that you may have started.

Delete the metrics data

This operation is irreversible, all the metrics will be permanently deleted.

If you used the defaults setting, all the data should be stored in /opt/apache-cassandra/data. Once all the containers are stopped and deleted, the folder can also be deleted:

rm -rf /opt/apache-cassandra/data

Delete the inventory data

To properly delete the inventory data, you’ll need to delete the database and the user that you may have created for this purpose.

First you will need to connect to the PostgreSQL database

su postgres
systemctl enable rh-postgresql95-postgresql.service

Then execute the following commands

postgres=# DROP DATABASE mwmanager
postgres=# DROP USER my_db_username